Thursday, May 29, 2008
My New Collections!:D
Monday, May 26, 2008
no NUT please.....
My friend gave me this yesterday, ...
she know that i am on diet,,,,:D..hehhehehehehe
so she pick this "sugar free" cookies....
the taste is great...i like it..really no sugar in it! but taste yummy...
there's 1 thing make me sad...:(:(......
this cookies got nuts on it....(sob..sob)
and i don't like nut....:((
so, i got to pick it by one......and yum!:D:D
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Where is my phone????????????????????
Damn! damn! damn!..
i can't find my mobile phone...! damn! damn!....
i can't remember at all..where did i put it at the last time..
it was like 4 hours ago....when i sms-ing...then..its gone..
i can't do without my phone.......!!!!!!!
where? where? ..searching for 3 hours, still can't find it...
damn! damn! damn!
+_+ hik ..hik..hik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi, Idol...!

..Yes! he won.....alright..alright...
so, i was so sure he gonna win, (actually ) i want him to win...:D hehehhehehhehe....regardless his vocal quality, his face is fit for nowdays market.
Week after week i was so worried that he's gonna vote out, but now i relieved..whew!
He's new American Idol...
Actually, i am don't really bother about idol things, what matter to me is my instinc...hehehehhe...i like to test my instinc like this. sometimes, when it doesn't work i get really frustrated. :(.. terrible...
i guess , i should take this for fun..coz even my choice won.. i will not get the prizes...ha ha ha...!
well, well, well......right!
Friday, May 23, 2008
VMware..(the beggining)
It has been 2 weeks since i start my very own virtual machine, using vmware.
it was my friend fault , who interduce me to it. yeah! he's a geek...working at his own IT consultant service, n as a contract programmer at Microsoft.
i was amaze his ability on programming software and stuff like that (including Windoow Server 2008!)
well, got to revamp it now.....let see what i can make .. ...hehhehehe
My flip flop
Guess what...?
yeah, i just love flip flop...wheter i going to mall, at home, or go to class..
sometimes, my friend just stare at me and say.." again? you n your slipper"
hhahahhahahah..i just don't bother.
its cool , anyway...
By the way, i got hooked up with this flip flop brand, called "ripples"

it got alot of design, attractive colour, cool and..of course affordable.
S$9.90 -S$12.90/pair.
i believe, flip flop will be one of cool street wear escsential..
anyway, i am busy adoring my new "ripples" pairs..(i got 4 new pairs!)
greedy huh? hahahhaha...
ta ta!!!!!!!